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Google’s John Mueller Shares Insights On Website Recovery After Core Updates

Google’s John Mueller provided valuable insights on website recovery after Google’s core algorithm updates, emphasising that while recovery is possible, the timeline remains uncertain. Highlights Recovery from algorithm hits is possible but might require waiting until the next core update. Enhancements to your website don’t ensure you’ll regain previous rankings or visibility. Google’s guidance on… Continue reading Google’s John Mueller Shares Insights On Website Recovery After Core Updates

Google Confirms Links Are Not That Important For Ranking

Google’s Gary Illyes, during a recent search marketing conference, revealed that Google relies on very few links for ranking websites, suggesting that publishers should prioritise other factors. This aligns with Google’s ongoing evolution to reduce the significance of links in their ranking algorithms. Gary Illyes later confirmed his comments via Twitter. History of Links in… Continue reading Google Confirms Links Are Not That Important For Ranking

10 Proven Ways To Drive Traffic On Your Website!

Did you know? “According to the Content Marketing Institute research, 63% of content professionals are challenged with finding enough staff skilled in content strategy which is one of the top drivers of website traffic.” In the digital age, a website serves as the virtual storefront for businesses, acting as a gateway to products, services, and… Continue reading 10 Proven Ways To Drive Traffic On Your Website!